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Aloittaja Astronautiskelija, 19.02.2024, 19:45:05

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Hiukan spekulatiivisempaa tiedettä tarjolla

Gaia - äiti maa. J.E Lovelock
Kovakantinen, siisti, Exlibris ja nimikointi kuulakärkikynällä

The Cosmic Winter. Clube and Napier
Kovakantinen, siisti, Exlibris

Nemesis. Richard Muller
Kovakantinen, siisti, Exlibris

Diseases from Space. Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wichramasinghe
Kovakantinen, siisti, Exlibris

The Intelligent Universe. Fred Hoyle
Pehmeäkantinen, Exlibris, joitakin lyijykynämerkintöjä

15 20 28 35 € sis. postituksen kotimaassa
The sky appears so steady fixed and stable as we look at it - but only if we do not look too hard. James B Kaler, Stars and Their Spectra
Clayhole Observatory
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Hintaa laskettu, nyt 28 €.
The sky appears so steady fixed and stable as we look at it - but only if we do not look too hard. James B Kaler, Stars and Their Spectra
Clayhole Observatory
Twitter | Vimeo


Hinta nyt 20 €.
The sky appears so steady fixed and stable as we look at it - but only if we do not look too hard. James B Kaler, Stars and Their Spectra
Clayhole Observatory
Twitter | Vimeo


The sky appears so steady fixed and stable as we look at it - but only if we do not look too hard. James B Kaler, Stars and Their Spectra
Clayhole Observatory
Twitter | Vimeo