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Havaintokohteet ja havaitseminen => Meteorit ja meteoriitit => Aiheen aloitti: Peksu - 20.03.2015, 08:50:14

Otsikko: Artikkeli meteorien löytämisestä kevättalvella
Kirjoitti: Peksu - 20.03.2015, 08:50:14
"When the Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded, it was in the heart of a Russian winter. The ground below was buried in roughly 70 centimeters of snow, a compressible, porous blanket over the land. The largest fragments punched through the snow, hitting the frozen ground. The hole's walls contained strangely coarse snow, but otherwise it wasn't particularly noteworthy. But the little fragments did something strange as they got stuck within the snow. Instead of blasting out a hole or a crater, they burrowed into funnelling holes with the meteorite at the bottom."


Tarkemmin tieteellisessä artikkelissa SNOW COMPACTION DURING THE CHELYABINSK METEORITE FALL. R. Luther1
, A. Lukashin², N. Artemieva3,2 , V. Shuvalov² and K. Wünnemann1,
1Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, Berlin
Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres, RAS, Russia, 3 Planetary Science Institute, Tucson.